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DAG Rebuilds California

Friedrich PZH07K3SB

ZoneAire� Select - FreshAire PTAC (Cooling BTU 7200/6800)

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Sales Ends 2/22/2025
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Exceptional value. Outstanding energy efficiency, reliable performance, and quiet sound, it begins with durable materials and the highest quality components. Available in electric heat and heat pumps in capacities ranging from 7,000 to 15,000 BTU. Breathe easy with the all-new line-up of FreshAire IAQ accessories to deliver healthy indoor air.


  • Cooling BTU 7200/6800
  • Durable Construction Superior materials and design reduce sound levels and improve overall guest satisfaction. Galvanized zinc coated steel wall sleeve and steel base pan undergo an 11-step preparation process, are powder coated with a polyester finish, and are oven-cured at high temperature for exceptional durability. Aluminum endplates reduce corrosion of the outdoor coil.
  • Energy Efficiency Friedrich PTACs feature a super-efficient refrigeration design with EERs up to 12.0 and COP up to 3.55. Energy efficient heat pump models are also available in our complete line.
  • Comfort & Convenience Intuitive unit controls are user friendly with easy-to-read LED display that can show either set point or actual room temperature as selected by owner. Dehumidification removes moisture in cool mode to improve comfort and reduce the chance of mold and mildew growth.
  • FreshAire™ IAQ Ready FreshAire® IAQ is a suite of indoor air quality (IAQ) accessories for use with Friedrich Air Conditioners, all with one dedicated purpose - healthy indoor air. This product is compatible with FreshAire UV, and FreshAire Purifier by iWave.
  • Sound Reduction Technology Friedrich PTACs come standard with two permanently lubricated fan motors for added durability and reduced sound levels indoors. Units also have a quiet, efficient rotary compressor mounted with vibration isolators to keep the compressor running smoothly and quietly. High-density insulation and steel inner wall block outdoor noise.
  • Warranty & Support Friedrich’s industry leading warranty features 2-year full warranty on parts and labor and 5-year limited warranty. Our nationwide service network and U.S.-based Friedrich expert technical team ensures you get fast, knowledgeable service.

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